Wednesday, September 5
How are uses of the internet, especially user-generated and social media, changing our political landscape? Does political revolution today need the internet? Are there limits to what “online” revolutions can produce?
Required Readings
- Mary Grace Antony and Ryan J. Thomas, “‘This is citizen journalism at its finest’: YouTube and the public sphere in the Oscar Grant shooting incident”
- Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner, “New media and internet activism: From the ‘Battle of Seattle’ to blogging”
- Social Capital Blog, “Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube’s role in Arab Spring” (online version with lots of great links)
- Jennifer Preston, “Protestors Look for Ways to Feed the Web”
→ Click here for the Week 2 discussion prompt.
Supplemental Materials
- Occupy Wall Street: A protest timeline
- n+1 Occupy Onwards
- Timeline: The major events of the Arab Spring
- Background on Oscar Grant killing
- NPR Interview with Wael Ghonim: Creating a Revolution 2.0 in Egypt
- Birgitta Jónsdóttir discussing the use of the internet to re-write Iceland’s constitution.
Class Slides
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